Tuesday, January 18, 2011

* Fishing Rod Types

image from : fishing-tackle.us

Fishing Rod Types - Tips To Choose The Right One

Author: Abhishek Agarwal
Once you have decided to pursue a hobby of fishing you must do some research into the techniques of fishing and the equipment that is available in the market. To begin with you must determine which kind of fishing rod is best suited for your needs.

There are basically two types of fishing rods among the many available to choose form. These are the detachable rod and the single piece fishing rod.

In the beginning the fishing rods were made from single bamboo or cane pieces that rarely exceeded 12 feet. The more popular fishing rods were 6 feet to 9 feet long. The 12 foot fishing rod facilitated fishermen to reach way out over the water from the side of the lake or river. Shorter rods required one to find a branch that extended over the water in order to reach out to the middle.

As time went by the bamboo rods were refined and the rods were made by fusing three strips of cane or bamboo together with some glue and binding them together with string to produce strength and flexibility. Then in recent times these rods gave way to the modern fiber glass fishing rod that has grown into the most popular fishing rod.

Modern day fishing rods can be dismantled quite easily and quickly into three or more parts to facilitate storage in small areas and are easy to transport as well. These rods are very durable and offer many conveniences to the angler such as easily attaching a different spool along with the appropriate line in just a few minutes. There is no need to carry many fishing rods for different types of fish. One rod can accommodate different fishing techniques and equipment and the length of the rod itself can be easily and quickly adjusted too.

It is best to choose a fiber glass fishing rod when you go out to purchase a rod for yourself. These rods require no maintenance and are very durable. They are suited to all weather conditions. The handles of these rods can be interchanged and they can accommodate fishing reel and tackle for all types of fish.

Fiber glass fishing rods can be either solid or hollow; both are equally durable and attractive to. So, when choosing your fishing rod you must look for a certain amount of flexibility, you do not want the rod to bend excessively nor do you want it to be too rigid. It must also not be made of very brittle material or it will snap under the weight of a large fish.

Your local sports store will be able to advise you on your first purchase, then your experience will guide you further. So get yourself a fishing rod and let nature teach you the rest.
About the Author:
Abhishek is an avid Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Fishing Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 116 Pages Ebook, "Fishing Mastery!" from his website http://www.Fishing-Masters.com/772/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fishing-articles/fishing-rod-types-tips-to-choose-the-right-one-776096.html