Improved Clinch Knot
An “old standby” known as the fisherman’s knot.
1. Pass the line through the hook eye and,
with the tag end, make 5 turns around the standing line.
2. Insert the loose end of the line between
the eye and the first loop formed.
3. Bring the end through the large second
loop formed.
4. Wet the line and tighten the knot slowly
while holding the loose end of the line end
between thumb and index finger so the
knot is partly closed before it’s secured
against the eye.
Clip the loose end of the line.
Palomar Knot
The easiest to tie and the strongest knot known
to hold terminal tackle.
1. Double 4 inches of line to form a loop and
pass the loop through the eye of the fishing
hook. Let the hook hang loose.
2. Tie an overhand knot in the doubled line.
Don’t twist or tighten line.
3. Pull the loop far enough to pass it completely
over the hook.
4. Wet the line.
5. Hold the hook carefully, and pull the loose
end with the standing line slowly to tighten
the loose end.
Koch Knot
A my favorite knot when teaching beginning fly
fishers to attach the fly. It is easy to tie and can
be done quickly. Always remember to lubricate
the knot well with saliva or water before
“snugging” it down. Doing this eliminates the
heat produced by the friction created when
you tighten the knot, keeping the monofilament